I'm going for the Defender shield for the Shield Master trophy. For Kingdom Hearts HD 1. there is no place that will give you a concentrated number of shadows like that spot. 5 ReMIX120. Frost Gems, iirc, can be obtained really easily in Wonderland in the room with the doorknob by using Bambi. 5 ReMIX official game guide. Requires: Lucid Gem x5 Power Gem x5 Thunder Gem x5 Mystery Goo x3 Gale x3. 2 Kingdom Hearts Final Mix 2. Right now I'm on the second-to-last. What do you use lucid for in Kingdom Hearts? In Kingdom Hearts, Lucid materials are used to synthesize the following items: Defense Up (5 Lucid Shards, 3 Lucid Gems, 1 Lucid Crystal) Dark Ring (2 Lucid Shards) Golem Chain (1 Lucid Gem) How many lucid stones are there in Kingdom Hearts? Obtain 32 different synthesis materials. Lucid Gems are best farmed by looping between Oogie's Manor and Bridge. 2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- and Kingdom Hearts all the way up to Traverse Town. How to unlock the Synthesis Amateur achievement in KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1. . ^ At End of the World, Bambi drops a Mythril Shard 40% of the time the second time his gauge is filled, and 60% of the time the third time his gauge is filled. 5 ReMIX; Kingdom Hearts HD 2. It serves as the location to purchase and synthesize items, weapons, armor, Cards, and Deck Commands. The simplest method is to land at the “Final Rest” save spot, which. Kingdom Hearts HD 2. 1 Kingdom Hearts III; 3 Gallery; Design . Drops: 5 HP Balls; Hi-Potion (2%); Mega-Potion (0. Elixirs are dropped after 10 & 50 hits, and a Megalixir is dropped after 100 hits (they're 100% drops as well); they're also very good sources of Mystery Goo, and with 100 hits, they give 5050 EXP each (dunno if. x1 -+ Power ShardSummon is a command menu option used to activate the gameplay mechanic of summoning allies to help you in combat in Kingdom Hearts and its Final Mix version. 5%); Lucid Gem (4%) Wight Knights are agile, melee-based Heartless. 2 3. Ether, Mega-Ether, Lucid Gem Halloween Town: Attack Resistance Weapon. Each item is followed by its location, or the type of enemies, such as Heartless or Nobodies, that drops it upon defeat and its drop rate in parenthesis. Also, they block Thunder IIRC, so Fire is the cheapest and easiest way. 5 with List IV and x3 Lucid Shards, x3 Bright Shards, x2 Bright Gems, x1 Power Crystal, and x5 Orichalcums. These Heartless can appear in the Linked Worlds area of the End Of The World. 93 used. There're plenty of enemies for a chance for a few gems. Power Shard. You can also get lucid gems from White Mushroom Heartless too, as well as from Bambi’s summon in Monstro. Blazing materials contain the essence of fire, and are colored red. Kingdom Hearts; Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories; Kingdom Hearts II; Kingdom Hearts: coded; Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days; Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep; Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance; Kingdom Hearts 1. The Gargoyle is the flying little demon who throws little energy balls at you and your teammates. The recipe in KH1. Lucid Gem. Magic descriptions can be viewed in Sora's customize menu. Aqua: Birth by Sleep. Thunder is used much differently than its other incarnations. Defender may refer to: Defender (enemy), the enemy from Kingdom Hearts. Guide for KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1. Spirit Shard x2. To elaborate on the Bambi summon, Bambi drops an item for every 6 enemies you defeat. Accepted Answer. Jack Sparrow has Lucky Lucky as a default ability. If you’re playing KH1. Blazing Stones are a synthesis ingredient only found in Kingdom Hearts 1. From there enter the red room, not the hallway. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. How to unlock the Synthesis Amateur achievement in KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1. The last list, List 6,. 2 Lucid Gems - Buy from Moogle Shop; 3 Lucid Stones - Buy from Moogle Shop; 5 Lucid Shards - Buy from Moogle Shop; You can also get these materials by defeating heartless. Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain Of Memories: Successfully complete Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain Of Memories . Shimmering, also called Shiny and Dazzling, is a material type available in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It moves swiftly, so attack in the few instances it shows its movements. Blaze Gem x2 Frost Gem x2 Thunder Gem x2 Mythril x3 Final Mix; Requires List II Ingredients Blaze Gem x3. 5 Remix you’ll need x2 Power Shards and x1 Lucid Shard. Recently, I've been trying to re-play all of the kh games to get the full story fresh in my mind. Defender (ability)For Kingdom Hearts HD 1. Orichalcum+ 6. Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket. The word "lucid" means "clear" or "transparent", hence their transparency. Notify me about new:. If you can successfully cast Stop magic three times in a row, that White Mushroom has a 60% drop chance of giving you a power gem (this is reduced to 10% in. Wonderland, Monstro, Atlantica (Cause this world was a Pain in me cause you can't even use Summons cause it sucks of the Controls underwater) and Neverland. Aside from Trinity Marks, the only other items not listed are those received after defeating mandatory bosses or by sealing Keyholes, nor those that you have to collect as part of the story. Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory items. Took some time, but here: Spirit Shard: 13 Power Shard: 13 Mythril Shard: 12 Lucid Shard: 19 Bright Shard: 13 Blaze Shard: 12 Frost Shard: 10 Thunder Shard: 12 Fury Stone: 5 Power Stone: 5 Mythril Stone: 8 Blazing Stone: 7 Frost Stone: 7 Lightning Stone: 5 Energy Stone: 6 Dazzling Stone: 6 Stormy Stone: 4 Bright Gem: 8 Spirit Gem: 7 Blaze Gem. ^ The Bulky Vendor drops an Orichalcum 10% of the time if the Capsule Prize reaction is used on it, 12% of the time if the Rare Capsule reaction is used on it, 16% of the time if the Limited Capsule reaction is used on. Oogie's Manor (excluding when the rare Chimera spawns) has a ton of Wight Knights and Gargoyles. Kingdom Hearts 1. From the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, the Kingdom Hearts encyclopedia. Oh and you'll need Mythril: Mythril Shard x 5. 5 ReMIX: Synthesize 15 types of items. The enemies near the Keyhole are easiest to get quick hits for Bambi. By picking up. Recipes [] Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep [] Zero Gravira []. 5 1 1 1 Screwdiver . Green: 0. Defense Boost (also called Defense Up) is an item that can be obtained in the Kingdom Hearts series. You can synthesize this in KH1 (for PS2) using List III and x5 Lucid Shards, x3 Lucid Gems, x1 Lucid Crystal, and x1 Mystery Goo. Best farming spots, post HB. The only place to farm this giant pufferfish-like heartless is through a special encounter on the Deck of the ship in Neverland. Behaviors and easiest places to find them: Fire (Shivers) - Wonderland - Lotus Forest. In Kingdom Hearts, Second Chance is a support ability that costs 2 AP to equip. were lost, so the team had to "dig out. The other two jewels are both circular, much smaller, and placed to either lower side. Log in to add games to your lists. It requires five Lucid Gems, five Power Gems, five Thunder Gems, three Mystery Goos, and three Gales. After you complete the 25th item, the Ultima Weapon will appear. Lucid (透きとおる, Sukitōru?) is a material type available in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts II, and Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. This item can only be used from the items menu after it is obtained. It can typically be used in battle to fully restore HP and MP to all party members. Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind Rewards . The Item Workshop is home to Moogles, which. Kingdom Hearts HD 1. 5 Final Mix - New Heartless: Defender. 5 Remix at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies. It moves in a clockwise motion around its target, so keep that in mind when attacking. You can synthesize a Rune Armlet in KH1 with List III and x2 Blaze Gems, x2 Thunder Gems, x2. Those guys appear in several places, Hollow Bastion first but spreading to a couple other locations following. Each item is followed by its location, or the type of enemies, such as Heartless or Nobodies, that drops it upon defeat and its drop rate in parenthesis. If you synthesize three of these six items, List 1 will be upgraded to List 2. KH1. x1 -+ Bright Crystal. Home; Boards;. This stone will give the party access to some of the most powerful weapons and accessories in the game. It can typically be used in battle to fully restore HP and MP to all party members. And these are only dropped by the rare Grand Ghost found in Monstro’s Stomach. 8. To open and use the Synthesis shop in Kingdom Hearts 1. I don't use Bambi for farming, but my understanding of the method is that once you pick up enough munny/hp/magic orbs to fill his charge, he'll drop a rare item for you. 2 Birth. 300. Mythril (ミスリル, Misuriru?) is a material type available in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II. The white mushrooms drop mystery goo as well. Once unlocked, a Megalixir can be synthed using the following items: 5x Lucid Gems. Rōmaji. Fira : Unleashes a potent burst of flame. x3 Dark Matter. . Lucid Gem x 11 (White Knight, Gargoyle). 99 new $2. Serenity Powers are a type of synthesis ingredient found only in Kingdom Hearts 1. Target: All enemies. It requires 5 Power Gems, 5 Lucid gems, 5 Thunder Gems, 3 Gales, and 3 Mystery Goo. Hi, I’m trying to get some lucid gems and don’t… Kingdom Hearts HD 1. Menu. For Kingdom Hearts HD 1. Here, enter the pink column of light to be warped to a version of Traverse Town. Home Archive Dashboard. chest at Main Street - Agrabah. Equip your best MP/summon enhancing gear. Kingdom Hearts – Item List PlayStation 2. 5 final mix. There’s only one Heartless in KH1. It moves swiftly, so attack in the few instances it shows its movements. Hey Everyone,Welcome to the fastest lucid Crystal Farm. 5 So apparently dark balls are supposed to drop the LC but I've killed over 200 of them and I only recently got one using Bambi. Power Chain: This small chain increases your Strength by +2. the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki < Kingdom Hearts. 2 Mythril Megalixir - 5 Lucid Gem, 3 Lucid Crystal, 2 Gale,1 Dark Matter. In Kingdom Hearts, the Save the King is a circular shield with thin, light blue edges, a triangular spike on its top and bottom, and two angular protrusions on its top half. Kingdom Hearts Crystal Crown "Raises max HP, max MP, max AP, Strength, and Defense. 5 ReMIX. Use magic on the White Mushroom based on its behavior. Top Voted Answer. Once all Dense materials are obtained the Moogle will reward Sora with a Serenity Gem. There are also key items,. Gale x 1. Bambi appears as a summon card after clearing 100 Acre Wood. 3DS friend code 3695-0616-8551. Hey guys -. 5 Remix. While studying the heart and the darkness within it, he was possessed by darkness and ultimately destroyed his own world. You won't get the ability to do this until. This is also. Once the area has been cleared of Heartless, Jack will ask Zero, a ghost dog, if he's seen Sally. 5 ReMIX on the PlayStation 3, Trophy Guide by Thundaka. The Wight Knight bears a strong resemblance to the mummy character from The Nightmare Before Christmas. 1. The best place to farm them would be in. Angel Bangle: Gain +6 HP and an added +2 Defense. Kingdom Hearts 1. Contents. Blizzara: Unleashes a gust of frost. They’re only dropped by the Stealth Soldier Heartless in Hollow Bastion with a 35% drop rate. 4. In Kingdom Hearts 1. 5 ReMIX: Synthesize 15 types of items. First you have to have unlock the path by finishing all those waves of heartless. Frost materials are represented by aqua blue jewels with what seem to be small, white, ice crystals covering them. Controls; In the original Kingdom Hearts, Blaze Gems are most easily obtained from Bandits and Fat Bandits, which have a drop rate of 6% and 10% respectfully, while White Mushrooms also have a chance to drop them when Fire spells are used on them, having a 20% chance to drop when the final spell is the correct spell and 60% when all three hits are from the correct spell. The best place to farm them would be in. KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1. It's just taking way too long. 5 ReMIX. 5. Focus Reset. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. From the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, the Kingdom Hearts encyclopedia. "Thundering"), also translated as Thunder in Kingdom Hearts, is a material type available in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II, and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. The recipe in KH1. Enter at the I/O Tower, head forward into the Solar Sailer Simulation, head back out through the Canyon to the Dataspace, and go back and forth between Dataspace and the Solar Sailer. The original KH1 game has a. 2%) Kingdom Hearts 1. An added bonus is you get 5050 exp per truffle, which means about 20k exp in under 10 minutes. 5 ReMIX on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Where can I find lucid gem ?". There are 11 Dark Matter found in the game via treasure chests, awards, and trinities, but. Six white, curled wings decorate the sides of the heart, with three on each side. © 2023 Google LLC. Kingdom Hearts Union χ. Part 5 of my Walkthrough of Kingdom Hearts HD 1. 5 Remix & Final Mix has a recipe not using any Bright Gems. 5 Remix’s recipe doesn’t require any Power Shards. This is due to the rendering of objects in 4:3 aspect ratio, as it was never shown in the original Kingdom Hearts. ATLANTICA. The original KH1 recipe doesn’t need Blaze Shards. Lucid Gems are best farmed by looping between Oogie's Manor and Bridge. The White Mushroom is an Emblem Heartless found in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, and Kingdom Hearts Union χ. Its crooked antennae are quite long and fall back behind the Heartless. First you have to have unlock the path by finishing all those waves of heartless. The gems can then be given to the Fairy Godmother, staying at. Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain Of Memories: Successfully complete Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain Of Memories . End of the World - Final Rest, dropped by the rare heartless "Neos. Combos and magic can quickly beat them. 5/Final Mix using List IV and x1 Power Crystal, x1 Shiny Crystal, x2 Bright Crystals, and x3 Orichalcum. If you’re playing KH1. Lucid Gem: 400: Once 20 have been. "Freezing") is a material type available in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II, and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. 5+2. 5 ReMIX on the PlayStation 3, Guide and Walkthrough by noz3r0. 5 ReMIX: Synthesize all items. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days items. All; Sims 4; Lists; Memes;. Rōmaji. Mythril Stone x 1. Stormy Stone x3. )The Kingdom Hearts Final Mix standard edition features a new Nomura drawing, made specially for Final Mix, "Rest (Day)", either in colour or again in greyscale (there are two versions), but this time the backdrop is metallic silver. Its hat is yellow and brown, and it carries a differently-colored version of the Akashic Record. Lucid Gem is used in the following Synthesis. Kingdom Hearts HD 1. Dark ring. Also, they block Thunder IIRC, so Fire is the cheapest and easiest way. This healing item will fully restore any party member’s HP & MP. *Lucid Shard: Rabid Dog, Trick Ghost *Lucid Stone: Wight Knight, Toy Soldier, Graveyard *Lucid Gem: Bookmaster, Magnum Loader *Lucid Crystal: Neoshadow *Power Shard: Creeper Plant, Large Body *Power. Power Shard x2. They’re only dropped by the Stealth Soldier Heartless in Hollow Bastion with a 35% drop rate. Kingdom Hearts. Stocking multiple Bambi cards create the Paradise Lv2 and Paradise Lv3 sleights, which increase the amount of orbs dropped and, in the case of the latter, stuns enemies. In Kingdom Hearts, Lucky Strike is a support ability that costs 3 AP to equip, 2 AP in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix. Dark Matter is used to strengthen the following Keychains: Darkgnaw LV +1 to +25 (100 Dark Matter total) Missing Ache LV +1 to +25 (100 Dark Matter total) Diamond Dust LV +1 to +25 (100 Dark Matter total) Synthesis materials. 3. 5 ReMIX. Best method/place to farm Lucid Crystals? [KHFM] JonatX 10 years ago #1. Blazing Stones are a synthesis ingredient only found in Kingdom Hearts 1. The Neoshadow is a Pureblood Heartless introduced in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix. 5 ReMIX, game director Tetsuya Nomura stated that all the original game assets for Kingdom Hearts. It seems to be rather muscular, and its. Every world has a different mat. The Neoshadow is a Pureblood Heartless introduced in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix. Lucid Crystals drop of. Each item is followed by its location, or the type of Heartless, Nobody, Unversed or Dream Eater that drops it upon defeat, as well as its drop rate in parenthesis. 1. The back cover's main picture is the colour version of "Foreboding". Fantasista: This is a fantastic staff for Donald that’ll raise his. . First charge: Potion (100%) Second charge: Ether (100%), Lucid Gem (10%) Third charge: Hi-Potion (100%), Lucid Gem (20%), Lucid Crystal (10%) shadowfreak1101 9 years ago #4 As for the Spirit Gems, they're dropped by the Air Soldiers, so that's probably where the confusion stemmed from. You can make this in KH1 with List IV using x5 Spirit Shards, x3 Spirit Gems, and x1 Lucid Crystal. Mystery Goo x 1. Darkball drop rate is too low. 5 ReMIX. After fighting a few waves of wight knight heartless,. Synthesize it in KH1. Lucid materials contain the essence of emptiness, and are colored clear. 5 Remix’s recipe doesn’t require any Power Shards. Used for item synthesis. 5 - Power Gem/Lucid Crystal - Final Mix: PROUD - YouTube. When his card is used, Bambi runs around and drops HP orbs around the field for Sora to collect. Bookmaster Heartless has a 10% chance of dropping the material, while Magnum Loader Heartless has an 8% chance. Above the. However, moogles have various ranks (from 1-9), and until they increase in level (by synthesizing items), you won't be able to do many of the more advance options,. Defense Up: Adds +1 Defense point to any character. They drop spoils when killed by Magic, and they have a VERY high drop rate for Frost Gems. 5 Destiny Island: HP Assuming you. This is a short guide on the method I used in farming for Blazing Stone from Chimera as well as Lucid Gem and Power Gem from drops. (AP up is also obnoxious thank god you only need a few of those, 4x Mythril a pop). 1 . According to Jiminy, moogles usually operate their shops using holograms because they hate getting their pom-poms ruffled. Just eww the amount of items needed for 1 Power Up. Dense materials are represented by jewels that have an Elemental material structure. Blizzard: Unleashes a gust of frost. Lightning materials contain the essence of thunder, and are colored yellow. Lucid Shard You can make this ring using List I and x2 Lucid Shards, x1 Bright Shard, and x2 Mythril Shards. Thunder - (Yellow line) - Wonderland - Lotus Forest. Kingdom Hearts Cheats. Kingdom Hearts III items. The Lucid Shards are also used to Synth Dark Matter, which will be needed to get the Ultima. 5) Where To Get Shiny Crystals in Kingdom. Walk into the blue light to reach the next area. Lightning Stone location. You can also. Home; Boards; News; Q&A;. dazzling stones, dark matter, energy stones, frost stones, fury stones, lightning stones, lucid gems, lucid shards, mystery goo, mythril, mythril stones, power stones and serenity power to collect. 5+2. IIRC there is a chamber in Monstro is best (either 5 or 6). 5 ReMIX – Synthesis Guide PlayStation 3. Friend Code --- 3394-4743-3192 ---. You can make this in KH1 with List IV using x5 Spirit Shards, x3 Spirit Gems, and x1 Lucid Crystal. Keep an eye out to avoid and counter its high-speed tackle with Quick Blade. 8 Guide KH3 read me. 5+2. The Megalixir is a recurring item introduced in Kingdom Hearts. Visit. Summons can be obtained by collecting various Summon Gems across the worlds, but are only available after you visit Traverse Town a second time. Blizzard - (Waves face) - Wonderland - Lotus Forest. Summon Bambi. Use the same spell on the same White Mushroom 3 times for 100% arts drop. Megalixir. Dazzling Stone- Jet balloon (Neverland) Stormy Stone- Neoshadows (the end of the world) Gale- Invisibles and Angels (the end of the world) Mythril Shard-Spiders, Behemoths, bambi. Unlocked. After 10 hits, there seems to be about 10-20% chance of getting Mystery Goo. After completing Agrabah, head to Traverse Town. A Sketchbook About Her Sun Guide. Lucid materials have an Elemental material structure and are clear. SealBlade 10 years ago #7. Here, enter the pink column of light to be warped to a version of Traverse Town. Power Chain: This small chain increases your Strength by +2. Once all Twilight materials are obtained the Moogle will reward Sora with a Serenity Crystal. 5 + II. This glorious crown raises your HP +6, MP +1, Strength +2. 5 * . Magenta: Dream Drop Distance. If you go to the hotel at traverse town and alternate between the hallway and the red room you will come across 3 defenders. I should be. x1 -+ Atlas Armlet. You can synthesize a Rune Armlet in KH1 with List III and x2 Blaze Gems, x2 Thunder. Donald Duck learns Lucky Lucky after defeating the Nobodies at The Old Mansion. Lightning, also translated as Thunder, is a material type introduced in Kingdom Hearts. Angel Bangle: Gain +6 HP and an added +2 Defense. Speak with Phil and choose the mystery challenge for the Gold Match. 5 * 1 * . Spirit shard x5 Spirit gem x3 Fury stone x1. Blaze, Frost*, and Thunder* Gems can easily be farmed by Summoning Bambi in the first three worlds, respectively, in an area where at least 18 enemies will spawn, and killing that number while the little fawn prances around. 5 ReMIX on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Question about treasure in final section. Power Gem. They drop spoils when killed by Magic, and they have a VERY high drop rate for Frost Gems. Bambi appears as a summon card after clearing 100 Acre Wood. Design []. 3 1 Aquatank . Power Gems are dropped by the Pirate, Air Pirate, Battleship, and White Mushroom Heartless. This page is a list of all optional item locations in Kingdom Hearts and its Final Mix version, excluding items received through Trinity Marks. The following is a complete list of synthesis materials needed for creating items through synthesis in the Kingdom Hearts series. Lucid materials contain the essence of emptiness and are associated with Gravity and Aero magic. If you enter the room and don’t see the basic Shadows spawn, then leave and come back in. Eg: wait till he's shivering and cast fire on. You can make it in KH1. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. 5 ReMIX KH2: Olympus Coliseum. 5 ReMIX; Kingdom Hearts HD 2. A Rare Truffle has a spherical, pitch black head with two glowing yellow, beady eyes. Blazing. Lucid Gem; Lucid Shard; Lucid Stone; Luck Tech; M Manifest Illusion; Moonstone; Mystery Power; Mythril; Mythril Crystal; Mythril Gem; Mythril Shard;. 5 Remix - dont need the suggestion of buying from traverse town - KH1. Galick-gun-dx - 7 years ago - report. They utilize the element of Lightning, and are associated with the Lightning material. The Malachite Bolero has a smooth, conical body colored turquoise with light-green swirling patterns, and has a Heartless emblem emblazoned on its chest. 5 So apparently dark balls are supposed to drop the LC but I've killed over 200 of them and I only recently got one using Bambi. Magic descriptions can be viewed in Sora's customize menu. Postcard (Blue Trinity) Postcard (In the Safe) Postcard (Roof of Accessory Shop) Wishing Star (Gepetto's House) Postcard (Gepetto's House) Mythril Shard Postcard (Poster) Dalmatians (Left chest) Mythril Shard (Right Chest) Postcard (To the right as you enter) Mega-Potion (In front of Gizmo Shop). 4. Sigma. Then after you have access to the save point just equip Encounter Up and go back to the area where you fought all those waves and they should appear, if not head back two rooms. the Gigas Shadows spot really is the best for Lucid Shards. ITEM AMT ITEM AMT Lucid Shard 10 Lucid Gem 11 Lucid Crystal 5 Spirit Shard 18 Spirit Gem 7 Power Shard 23 Power Gem 12 Power Crystal 5 Blaze Shard 11 Blaze Gem 10 Frost Shard 10 Frost Gem 10 Thunder Shard 10. For complete details, see the “Olympus Coliseum (Revisited)” chapter in the Kingdom Hearts HD 1. Neo Shadows appear at the area before the final save point. I hope You Found This UsefulAnd if you did Consider dropping a subscribeKingdom Hearts HD 1. Amount Required: 2. Mythril x 2. Bright Shard x1. Kill as many minions as. Sell at Shop: Obtain 30. There are 7 magic types, each with 3 spell levels. Start tracking progress. lucid crystal kingdom heartsKingdom Hearts II. Defenders have two minds; the Defender's shield. 5 + 2. 5 PS4 Lucid Shard / Crystal & Spirit Shard / Gem fast farming method. 5 ReMIX doesn’t need any Bright Shards for this. When his card is used, Bambi runs around and drops HP orbs around the field for Sora to collect. Equip your best MP/summon enhancing gear. Golem Chain: With +3 strength and +1 Defense, this accessory will make nice filler at any point in the game. He is a Summon who appears in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. This is List 1. Crystal Crown: This accessory is by far one of the most important, and it’s a must-have. Mythril, also called Mithril, is a material type introduced in Kingdom Hearts. . Lucid Crystal x 9 (Dark Ball). 5 has a different recipe without any Thunder Gems.